Promotion of Adult Education through assistance in the development of the Draft State Strategy for the Development of Education until 2030
Why is the project important?
Kyrgyzstan joined the global Education for All movement under the Dakar Agreement, adopted as a result of the relevant Education Forum in Dakar in April 2000. Despite the fact that since the late 90s, Kyrgyzstan has been a participant in the implementation of the most important international documents on education throughout life, there have been no changes in the field of adult education. Also, the state does not have a systematic approach to this component, and measures to implement previous education development strategies end up with professional development and retraining of the unemployed.
The previous interventions of civil society did not lead to significant positive changes, in connection with this, in 2019, the Institute implemented a project to promote adult education in the currently developed Education Development Strategy until 2030, as the previous one During the first phase of the project, preparatory work was carried out with the participation of experts, in particular, the Draft Adult Education Concept was developed, the elements of which were included in the Draft Education Development Strategy, and as part of the working group, the expert developed n Plan for the implementation of the Strategy from 2021 to 2024 on the adult education component. Public discussions were also held in 7 regions of the country. In 2020, the project will continue to work to promote a systematic and integrated approach to education, in particular, mapping will be carried out, as a significant obstacle to the development of adult education in the Kyrgyz Republic is the insufficient level of coordination of activities with a large number of government bodies and other actors working in the sector . Also, training will be conducted for employees of state institutions on the theory of adult education, approaches and their application as part of their activities. In parallel with this process, the Draft Concept of Adult Education will be finalized and the population will be informed (SMS campaign) of the value and necessity of adult education through social media.
Project Duration:
From January 1, 2020 to October 30, 2020.
Key partners of the project:
Youth Development Institute in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, with the support of DVV International Kyrgyzstan.
Project coordinator:
Ajara Kasmalieva -
Kyrgyzstan joined the global Education for All movement under the Dakar Agreement, adopted as a result of the relevant Education Forum in Dakar in April 2000. Despite the fact that since the late 90s, Kyrgyzstan has been a participant in the implementation of the most important international documents on education throughout life, there have been no changes in the field of adult education. Also, the state does not have a systematic approach to this component, and measures to implement previous education development strategies end up with professional development and retraining of the unemployed.
The previous interventions of civil society did not lead to significant positive changes, in connection with this, in 2019, the Institute implemented a project to promote adult education in the currently developed Education Development Strategy until 2030, as the previous one During the first phase of the project, preparatory work was carried out with the participation of experts, in particular, the Draft Adult Education Concept was developed, the elements of which were included in the Draft Education Development Strategy, and as part of the working group, the expert developed n Plan for the implementation of the Strategy from 2021 to 2024 on the adult education component. Public discussions were also held in 7 regions of the country. In 2020, the project will continue to work to promote a systematic and integrated approach to education, in particular, mapping will be carried out, as a significant obstacle to the development of adult education in the Kyrgyz Republic is the insufficient level of coordination of activities with a large number of government bodies and other actors working in the sector . Also, training will be conducted for employees of state institutions on the theory of adult education, approaches and their application as part of their activities. In parallel with this process, the Draft Concept of Adult Education will be finalized and the population will be informed (SMS campaign) of the value and necessity of adult education through social media.
Project Duration:
From January 1, 2020 to October 30, 2020.
Key partners of the project:
Youth Development Institute in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, with the support of DVV International Kyrgyzstan.
Project coordinator:
Ajara Kasmalieva -