Parliament open to youth
Why is the project important?
A key role in the formation of civic consciousness and youth activity is played by civic education. Education is important for preparing young people not only for the labor market, but also for their preparation for life as active citizens in democratic societies, for their personal development. Young people need to have a broad understanding of their own rights and opportunities, as well as the role that is intended for them in society. Democracy and civic education are inseparable. Democracy needs self-minded citizens, their activity and the protection of their foundations. The goal of civic education is to disseminate in civil society knowledge of how politics works and to support citizens in their quest to resolve common issues on their own. For the modern youth community, it is important not only to teach, but how to do it, so it is necessary to develop new teaching methods that meet the needs of young people and the requirements of the time.
What is the project aimed at?
The project “Zhashtar Uchin Achyk Parliament - Parliament Open to Youth” aims to promote the values of parliamentary democracy through educating young people and strengthening their participation in decision-making processes.
The project includes 2 components:
- The first component of the project is aimed at creating and implementing innovative interactive educational tools and products, which includes the development of a set of game techniques for teenagers and youth from 8 items. After development, they will be tested in 14 schools of the country, in 7 regions. To do this, 28 animators will be trained - teachers who will gain knowledge and skills in using this set. They, in turn, will implement these tools in schools. In the classroom, with the help of this set, students will receive knowledge and skills that contribute to the formation of civic consciousness and activity among young people;
- the second component is aimed at creating working models of web applications aimed at increasing civic activism, education, promoting the values of parliamentary democracy among adolescents and young people of the Kyrgyz Republic (18 - 28 years old).
Project Duration:
From July 2019 to April 2020.
Key partners of the project:
The project is funded by the Government of Switzerland and the United Nations Development Program.
Project coordinator:
Ajara Kasmalieva -