Partnership for Youth Development

Why is the project important?

Practice shows that for states and communities that invest in the development of participation processes and are engaged in establishing partnerships, a higher quality and a higher standard of living are characteristic: better jobs and better services for citizens. The success and development of Kyrgyzstan directly depends on the implementation of civic participation processes.

The project will ensure increased participation of youth (youth associations) in the decision-making process through the development of institutional mechanisms for cooperation between the Parliament and youth institutions to form youth-friendly policies and will allow young people to be heard, convey their needs and requirements to decision makers and protect their rights.

The project will take a human rights-based approach and will reach several target groups.

Objectives to achieve the goals:

  • Methodological and organizational support for the development of the institution of public examination to assist in the development of youth friendly policies. Development of a methodology for conducting public examination in the field of youth policy.
  • Increasing the capacity of youth organizations to conduct public examination in the field of youth policy and testing their methodology and mechanism in practice.
  • Creation of a regular information and communication platform for parliamentarians and youth organizations with the aim of discussing problems in the field of youth policy and finding ways to solve them, as well as presenting the results of public examination.
  • Training deputies, employees of the Department of letters and reception of citizens of the ZhK KR apparatus, members and employees of 2 committees of the ZhK KR (Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Government, Judicial Legal Issues and Regulations, Committee on Social Issues, Education, Science, Culture and Health) involving youth in the decision-making process and monitoring the activities of the LCD of the Kyrgyz Republic
The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of youth organizations to conduct public examination and the creation of a regular communication platform for cooperation and interaction of the Parliament with youth institutions to increase the participation of youth (youth associations) in the decision-making process.

Project Duration:
From October 1, 2018 to July 30, 2019.

Key partners of the project:
UNDP Partnership for Youth Development project with financial support from the Embassy of Switzerland in collaboration with the Youth Development Institute.

Project coordinator:
Elnura Kalybaev -
